TRAFFIC TRAFFIC TRAFFIC. .458 acres commercial zoned lot. Lot is at the intersection of the camp ground cut through and Jodeco Rd. Lot has 107 foot of road frontage and is only 1/2 mile from exit 222 on I-75 . Lot is 3/4 mile to state Hwy 42. . Lot is less tan a mile from 4 schools, 3 churches and 3 day cares. Also available 1.9 acres look at MLS # 20104772 on Jodeco rd. Only .07 miles from I-75 exit 222 Jodeco Rd. and 1.6 miles from Hwy 42.nt complex Across street is Huge new medical building . New subdivision and apartment complex under construction across st . 160 Acre complex Homes, Apartments , shopping , restaurants etc under construction on west side of I-75 at exit 222 Jodeco Rd.